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摘要导语: 秘密研究所:千古以来,妖狐之影在诗词中流光溢彩,诉说着一段又一段妖冶诡谲的奇谈。一、妖魅惑人妖狐自古以来便以其魅惑之姿为人所歌咏。唐代李商隐的《无题》(相见时难别亦难)中写道:“此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。”诗中女子虽为狐妖所魅,却不知不觉间沉沦于其绝代芳华,可见妖狐...

Author:空城梦Cate:宋词Date:2024-09-09 19:23:02









妖狐以其强大的幻术, often makes it difficult to distinguish between them and humans. 蒲松龄《聊斋志异》中女狐杜十娘便能化身为绝代佳人,与书生王元丰相恋。然而,杜十娘的妖气难掩,王元丰最终识破了她的真实身份。



妖狐 in ancient poetry often represents evil and chaos. In the Tang Dynasty poem "The Song of the Pipa" by Bai Juyi, the fox spirit is described as a "nine-tailed demon" that brings disaster to the world.

In the Song Dynasty novel "The Water Margin," the fox spirit is a powerful and evil creature that disrupts the social order and causes chaos. In the Qing Dynasty novel "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" by Pu Songling, the fox spirit is a cruel and cunning creature that harms humans for its own pleasure.



In the Tang Dynasty poem "The Fox Spirit" by Li He, the fox spirit is able to transform into a beautiful woman to seduce a young man.

In the Song Dynasty novel "The Water Margin," the fox spirit can transform into a human or animal to escape detection.

In the Qing Dynasty novel "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" by Pu Songling, the fox spirit can transform into various objects to deceive people.


妖狐在 ancient poetry sometimes represents a metaphor for human nature or social problems.

In the Tang Dynasty poem "The Fox Spirit" by Li Bai, the fox spirit is used as a metaphor for the beauty of nature and the dangers of seduction.

In the Song Dynasty poem "The Fox Spirit" by Su Shi, the fox spirit is used as a metaphor for the corrupt officials of the time.

In the Qing Dynasty novel "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" by Pu Songling, the fox spirit is used as a metaphor for the hypocrisy and greed of human society.


妖狐 in ancient poetry sometimes possesses a refined and elegant demeanor.

In the Tang Dynasty poem "The Fox Spirit" by Wang Wei, the fox spirit is described as being graceful and charming, with a deep understanding of poetry and music.

In the Song Dynasty poem "The Fox Spirit" by Huang Tingjian, the fox spirit is portrayed as being intelligent and witty, with a love of learning and the arts.

In the Qing Dynasty novel "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" by Pu Songling, the fox spirit is often depicted as being cultured and refined, with a deep appreciation for beauty and literature.



